World Clock

Monday, June 8, 2009

Blogwars: the new political battleground

"Would blogs really matter that much, and if so would they alter the American political system for the better or worse? David Perlmutter, a professor of journalism at the University of Kansas, has plunged into cyberspace as both a researcher and blogger to look for answers...For readers unfamiliar with the political-blogging terrain, his book serves as a worthy introduction."--The Boston Globe

"David Perlmutter 'gets' the blogosphere in a way that few outside observers do, going beyond the tired arguments about whether bloggers are damaging the civil debate by their partisanship and volume, about whether nonprofessional journalists and pundits should have a say in that debate, and about whether the phenomenon is just a flash in the pan. Perlmutter recognizes what these new media-blogs, YouTube, social networking sites-bring to the table: a reinvigoration of the public side of the public debate, a real and profound demonstration of the political process."--Joan McCarter (mcjoan), Contributing Editor, DailyKos

"Perlmutter's Blogwars is an impressive primer on the politics and political implications of the blogs and the blogosphere."--Kathleen Jamieson, University of Pennsylvania

"David D. Perlmutter seizes lasting truths from the phantasmagorical whirl created by ever-new communication technologies. Blogwars makes a lasting contribution to our understanding of politics and the Internet, while establishing Perlmutter as a pioneer and important voice in modern political communication scholarship."--Steven Livingston, George Washington University

"An experienced blogger himself, David Perlmutter has without question written the most comprehensive book to date on blogs in American politics. This volume is essential for anyone who wants to understand the history and impact of blogs, as well as the critical role bloggers have played and will play in the electoral campaigns, and a must-read for anyone interested in politics in general."--Robert E. Denton, Virginia Tech

"Books on blogs by bloggers vastly overstate their case and overpromote their cause. David Perlmutter, however, puts blogs in the proper perspective, giving an insightful and highly useful account of how blogs actually are changing American politics as a new tool in a growing arsenal of weapons for political operatives and pundits."--Erick-Woods Erickson, Editor,

"David Perlmutter brings the analytical bent of a scholar on the phenomenon of blogging. As a lover of news as well as the new, he also brings a fan's passion to the subject. I am most grateful for both the scholarly perspective and the fan's passion."-Scott. W. Johnson,

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